Turkish Immigrations After Christ, "Conquest" and "Infiltration" Methods


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18 Şub 2008
Tepkime puanı
Kırmızı Benizli,Alın Teri ile Islanmış Vatanımın K
Turkish Immigrations After Christ, "Conquest" and "Infiltration" Methods

Turkish Immigrations After Christ, "Conquest" and "Infiltration" Methods

Clear information about the groups that joined the Turk Immigrations After Christ and when they took place are present: The Huns to Europe (in 375 and later on) and north India (White-Huns); Oguzlar, from the Orhun region down to the sides of river Seyhun (X. Century) and later on over the Maveraunnehir to Iran and Anatolia (XI.Century); the European Huns from Middle Asia to Middle Europe (middle of IV. Century); the Bulgarian to the sides of river Itil (Volga) and to the Balkans in the north Blacksee (after the years 641); together with the Hungarians some Turk groups from the north of the Caucas to Middle Europe (after 830); the Sabars from the north of Aral to Caucasia (second half of 5th century); the Peçenek, Kuman (Kıpçak) and Uzlar (arm of the Oğuzlar) from the north of the Caspian Sea to east Europe and the Balkans (9th - 11th century); the Uygur's from the region of river Orhun to inner Asia (after the years of 840).

Especially the Hun and Oğuz immigrations were made over long distances and also brought very important historical solutions. These immigrations are being qualified as great conquests carrying the intention of founding new fatherlands. Another form of the spread out of the Turks in history is the "infiltration" form, which occurs with the dividing of groups or families or strong proportioned young men from some crowded tribes and take service in foreign states. Even in this form it is known that the Turks showed a dominant ability and ruled military forces or political lives and sometimes also founded new states among the communities they entered (e.g. in Egypt, in India).

Doubtless it was not always easy for the Turks to spread out in their abilities of "conquest" or "infiltration", sometimes this caused very vehement fights which lead to the solution that the Turks were approved unattractive by foreigners, who took hard strikes. Although they were good, fair and equitable people the reason for some imaginary accusations against the Turks could be these situations.